Saturday, July 7, 2012

Last day in Orlando (more Epcott)-- June 23

testing out the hammocks on the beach at our resort

 when we asked Dana which park she'd like to return to for our last day, she said Epcott-- to do more Perry the Platypus adventures!

Magic Kingdom-- June 22

 On "It's a Small World", after her first ride on Space Mountain... Dana rode all of the Magic Kingdom Mountains this trip (Space Mountain, Big Thunder Mountain, and Splash Mountain), though she kept her eyes closed on all three!
 Tink told Dana that the fairy on her shirt was cute... and very familiar...
 Tinker Bell!

Dana and Chase on Aladdin's magic carpets

Epcott and Chef Mickey-- June 21

 Posing in front of France
 We met Miss Shott at Epcott! SO COOL! (She is one of Dana's idols!)
 Epcott was testing out a new Perry the Platypus interactive attraction, and Dana got to try it-- here she is as "Agent D" on a top secret mission to save the world!

Dinner at Chef Mickey's

Disney's Animal Kingdom-- June 20

 at the Bug's Life movie

a lion on the safari
 hippos, playing around
waiting for our bus in the POURING rain

Wonder Works-- June 19

 She looks so tiny... and a little scared.

After going to Wonder Works in Gatlinburg last summer, Dana was SO excited to hear that there was one in Orlando too... so we had to make a trip there :)

Biggest McDonald's- June 18

 This is the biggest McDonald's in the US... it is like McDonald's meets Chuck E Cheese... games, tickets, prizes... AND a Happy Meal toy...

Sea World June 18

 Turtle Trek-- way cool 3-D movie in a 360 theater-- Dana did NOT like it...
Dana and Chase climbing the ropes

Orlando Trip-- June 2012

 We took Chase to Joe's Crab Shack for Father's Day dinner after arriving in Orlando.
 Dana took this picture.