Saturday, October 30, 2010

Dana's 6th Birthday Party

A pool party?! In late October?! In Virginia?! Yup, thanks to Chase and the Woodlake Swim and Racquet Club! Dana with Miranda and Payton.

A birthday splash!

Hoopa-loopin' (aka Hula Hooping)

One of the two "ocean" themed cakes, featuring Polly Pocket cutants.

Dana is 6!

After her yearly checkup and lunch, Dana and I took Gramps to the Children's Museum.
Here's "Snaggletooth" can you see that top tooth that is hangin' by a thread?!) opening her hamster (a Zhu Zhu pet).

"How did Gramps know that I wanted this Strawberry Shortcake!?!"

Friday, October 15, 2010

Busy Month!

Book and Breakfast at Beulah on October 1st-- Dana, (center, in her pink Red Sox sweatshirt)enjoyed the storytime among the other Pre-K, Kindergarten, 1st and 2nd graders.

To celebrate the letter "P", we had a PJ party. Here is Miss Ackerly's class, making silly faces.
(Dana is in the back row.)

At dance class-- Hannah and Ana, two of Dana's best friends from preschool, are on the right.

First field trip, to the pumpkin patch at Chesterfield Berry Farm. Dana and Mery (her BFF) enjoying the picnic lunch. Dana's class was taken to a different field to pick pumpkins, so I didn't get any pictures of her then-- being "mama" and "Mrs. Kaufman" is HARD!

Chase chaperoned the field trip, and had fun with Dana and Mery.